Eagers Automotive Limited
A.B.N. 87 009 680 013
Incorporated in Queensland on 17 April 1957
Registered Office
5 Edmund Street
Newstead Qld 4006
(07) 3608 7100
(07) 3608 7111
Board of Directors
T.B. Crommelin, Chairman
N.G. Politis
M.J. Birrell
D.T. Ryan
S.A. Moore
D.S. Blackhall
G.J. Duncan
M.V. Prater
K.S. McNamara
Chief Executive Officer
K.T. Thornton
D.G. Stark
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Grosvenor Place
225 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Share Registry
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
GPO Box 523
Brisbane Qld 4001
Investor Enquiries:
Tel (within Australia): 1300 552 270
Tel (outside Australia): +61 3 9415 4000
Fax: (07) 3229 9860
Web site: www.computershare.com
Eagers Automotive Limited
A.B.N. 87 009 680 013
Incorporated in Queensland on 17 April 1957
Registered Office
5 Edmund Street
Newstead Qld 4006
(07) 3608 7100
(07) 3608 7111
Board of Directors
T.B. Crommelin, Chairman
N.G. Politis
M.J. Birrell
D.T. Ryan
S.A. Moore
D.S. Blackhall
G.J. Duncan
M.V. Prater
K.S. McNamara
Chief Executive Officer
K.T. Thornton
D.G. Stark
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Grosvenor Place
225 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Share Registry
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
GPO Box 523
Brisbane Qld 4001
Investor Enquiries:
Tel (within Australia): 1300 552 270
Tel (outside Australia): +61 3 9415 4000
Fax: (07) 3229 9860
Web site: www.computershare.com